Friday, November 27, 2015

Romans 10:9-17 - The Message of Salvation to All

Romans 10:9-17 makes if very clear that God has a plan for saving people, but that there are two possible paths.

Paul puts faith and confession as parallel ideas, not distinctly different, and he puts righteousness and salvation as roughly equivalent terms. The law required obedience, but the gospel requires belief. This was written specifically addressing the Jews, so throughout, there are references to the Old Testament to show that this is not a new idea or doctrine, but even what the old testament teaches. Verse 11 is quoting Isaiah 28:16. Verses 12-13 are quoting Joel 2:32.

The early church fathers understood the Bible's teaching on the importance of ordination:

"The unrighteous are the ones who on their own authority, without any divine arrangement, set themselves up to preside over the daring strangers who assemble with them, who appoint themselves bishops without any law of ordination." -The Unity of the Church by St Cyprian

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